Are you looking to create an online store to sell your products and services? Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce solutions available, offering a user-friendly interface, hundreds of themes to choose from, and a range of apps and integrations to help you customize your store. But a common question potential Shopify users have is “how much does a Shopify website cost?”

The answer depends on a number of factors, including the type of plan you select, the add-ons you opt for, and the payment processing fees you’ll incur. Shopify has four main plans: Basic Shopify, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus. Each plan comes with different features and pricing.

The Basic Shopify plan begins at $29 per month and includes features such as a fully hosted website, secure checkout, unlimited products, and 24/7 customer support. This plan is best for small businesses just starting out. The Shopify plan is $79 per month and offers additional features such as gift cards, abandoned cart recovery, and professional reports, which is better suited for businesses looking to expand and grow. The Advanced Shopify plan is $299 per month and includes advanced report building, third-party calculated shipping rates, and advanced fraud analysis for larger businesses that need more sophisticated features. Shopify Plus, a custom-priced enterprise solution, includes features like customized checkout, advanced permissions, and a dedicated account manager, and is ideal for businesses needing a lot of customization and support.

In addition to the plans, there are add-ons and payment processing fees to consider. Fees for credit card processing, Apple Pay, Stripe, and PayPal are 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction. Additional features such as an order management system, email marketing, and product reviews come with additional fees as well, so make sure to factor them into your total cost when deciding how much your Shopify website will cost.